
It doesn't get more evil than this!

Congratulations, you have scored all Dungeons 3 trophies. By that we mean you snagged them all, not that you carved notches in all of them. Um, and by “snagged” we mean you earned them, not that you grabbed them using a fishing rod. Oh man, it’s a good thing nobody ever reads this stuff…

Ultra Rare


The Shadow strikes

Successfully complete the mission “The Shadow of Absolute Evil”.



Death and destruction!

Destroy 9 Heroes with Thalya's “Fire Bomb” in the mission “The Shadow of Absolute Evil”.



Shadow hunter

Don’t let the Shadow take any damage from light in the mission “The Shadow of Absolute Evil”.



Twistram is devastated

Complete the mission “Twistram in Ruins”.



The Evilest Evil

Collect a total of 1000 Evilness in the mission “Twistram in Ruins”.



No one has to die today!

Complete the mission “Twistram in Ruins” without losing more than 3 creatures.



The Gehenna Stones

Complete the mission “The Gehenna Stones”.



The Stones’ Power

Kill at least 15 Heroes using the Stones’ magic in the mission “The Gehenna Stones”.

Very Rare


The White Knight

Don’t let Thalya's Life Energy fall below 75% during the mission “The Gehenna Stones”.

Very Rare


The Swamplanders from the swamplands

Complete the mission “The Ashspring Swamplands”.




Awaken at least 98 Undead in the mission “The Ashspring Swamplands”.



Night of the Living Dead (on Speed)

Conquer all Graveyards in less than 25 minutes in the mission “The Ashspring Swamplands”.

Ultra Rare


Rusty Steel

Complete the mission “The Battle of Steelsmith”.



The One-Huge-Army-Building Evil

Own at least 15 creatures at the same time in the mission “The Battle of Steelsmith”.



Hands off the Dungeonheart!

The Dungeonheart must not fall below 50% life in the mission “The Battle of Steelsmith”.



The last burger

Complete the mission “The End of Burgers' End”.




Own 5 Gob-O-Bots at any time in the mission “The End of Burgers' End”.



Then let them eat cake!

Don’t allow any deliveries to reach the city in the mission “The End of Burgers' End”.

Very Rare


A trip on sea, what fun it can be

Complete the mission “The Crossing”.



Master of Traps

Kill at least 30 Heroes with the “Thrasher” Trap in the mission “The Crossing”.

Very Rare


Ignore The Level Designer’s Plan

Destroy at least 3 Hero tent camps during daylight in the mission “The Crossing”.

Very Rare


Damned good

Complete the mission “The Prince of Hell”.



Factory farming

Hold at least 7 Heroes in the Prison at the same time in the mission “The Prince of Hell”.



A little something extra

Get all of the bonus creatures in the mission “The Prince of Hell”.

Very Rare


Stock Market Crash

Complete the mission “The Storming of Dollaran”.



Spawner Killer

Destroy all of the Hero camps in the mission “The Storming of Dollaran”.

Very Rare


Storm And Stress

Complete the mission “The Storming of Dollaran” in less than 40 minutes.

Ultra Rare



Complete the mission “The End of Yaina Overproud”.



We don’t have time!

Destroy every Arcane Tear in mission “The End of Yaina Overproud” within 60 seconds maximum.

Very Rare


Hearts are trump

Never let the Dungeonhearts Life Energy fall under 75% in “The End of Yaina Overproud”.

Ultra Rare


For a handfull of Catapults

Complete the mission “Once Upon A Catapult”.



Flat as a pancake

Kill 50 Heroes by Catapult bombardment in the mission “Once Upon A Catapult”.

Very Rare


I love the smell of Catapult fire!

Capture all of the Catapults in the mission “Once Upon A Catapult” in less than 30 minutes.

Ultra Rare


Ogre Solo!

Complete the mission “The Hungry, Hungry Ogre”.



Thirst quencher

Own more than 42 Barrels of Beer at the same time in the mission “The Hungry, Hungry Ogre”.



Can’t stand to see an Ogre bleed

The Ogre in the mission “The Hungry, Hungry Ogre” must not fall below 75% Life Energy.

Very Rare


Tide Master

Complete the mission “Ups and Downs”.




Don’t lose a single creature to the water in the mission “Ups and Downs”.

Very Rare


Please, no interruptions!

Stop anyone from interrupting Thalya while she contaminates the water in mission “Ups and Downs”.

Very Rare


Destroy the thing

Complete the mission “The Titan of Alphaas”.




Don’t lose more than 8 units in the mission “The Titan of Alphaas”.

Ultra Rare


Chorus of damnation

Own at least 5 Banshees at the same time in the mission “The Titan of Alphaas”.



Difficult family relationships

Complete the mission “I Am Your Father!”.



This is fun, I’m going to keep doing this!

Sacrifice more Heroes than needed in mission “I Am Your Father!” – until the Narrator is satisfied.

Very Rare


Hearts of Iron

Complete the mission “I Am Your Father!” without the Dungeonheart taking any damage.

Ultra Rare


Angel of Fire

Complete the mission “Baptism of Fire”.



Prepare the grave

Don’t let the Grave Golem’s Life Energy fall below 50%.



Not a scratch

Complete the mission “Baptism of Fire” without Thalya taking any damage.

Ultra Rare


Where there is Light, there is Shadow

Complete the mission “Light and Shadow”.



Displaying Items 1 - 50 of 61 in total