Fable III

Fable III

0 seconds

Time Played

Wednesday, 4th, 2014 at 01:28AM

Last Played

30Earned Accomplishments

Fable III

Crime Spree

You've become Albion's most wanted criminal. We just hope you could afford the fine.


Jun 4th, 2014 01:28AM



Fable III

Online Merger

You are the epitome of a modern day Hero, unafraid to embrace newfangled technologies.


Jun 3rd, 2014 23:38PM



Fable III

You Can't Bring Me Down

You got all the way to the end without being knocked out. Well, there was that time in the desert...


Jun 21st, 2013 20:46PM



Fable III

For Albion!

You killed the Crawler and ended the greatest threat ever to loom over Albion. You are a legend.


Jun 21st, 2013 20:42PM



Fable III


You scored 2000 on the Mourningwood Fort mortar game. Private Jammy is proud of you.


Jun 21st, 2013 19:34PM



Fable III


You may well be the first Hero in history to weave two spells together. And wasn't it pretty?


Jun 21st, 2013 19:07PM



Fable III


Hunting for treasure isn't always glamourous. The dirt under your fingernails can attest to that.


Jun 21st, 2013 07:56AM



Fable III

Lute Hero Tour

You brought the gift of music to every corner of Albion. And looked really cool doing it.


Jun 21st, 2013 07:28AM



Fable III

The Dark Sanctum

You have reinstated the Dark Sanctum. Come back to see it in all its glory and discover its secrets.


Jun 21st, 2013 07:21AM



Fable III

Coronation Chicken

You brought a real sense of gravitas to your role of monarch. That and feathers.


Jun 19th, 2013 19:46PM



Fable III

The Ruler of Albion

You led a revolution and now the throne is yours. How will history judge your rule?


Jun 19th, 2013 19:39PM



Fable III

Gunning For Glory

Few have ever put the trigger to such bloody use.


Jun 18th, 2013 20:16PM



Fable III

Distant Friends

You convinced the Aurorans to to join your cause. It's time for a revolution!


Jun 18th, 2013 20:02PM



Fable III

Wizard's Revenge

They called you a nerd. They called you spotty. They mocked your beard. So you killed them all.


Jun 18th, 2013 19:40PM



Fable III

If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It

You're a one-Hero army. A pure massacring machine. A total killing-- well, you get the idea.


Jun 18th, 2013 19:39PM



Fable III

We Can Be Heroes

You've earned an honest day's wage fighting for another Hero. Though "honest" is a subjective term.


Jun 16th, 2013 23:06PM



Fable III

Long Distance Relationship

You married another player! N.B. Marriage not binding in any real court of law.


Jun 16th, 2013 22:37PM



Fable III

Touched By A Hero

At least twenty people in Albion have felt the hand of Hero touch them. In a good way, we hope.


Jun 16th, 2013 20:41PM



Fable III

Ghost Brothers

Not even death can put squabbling siblings to rest, but at least they're safely back with Mother.


Jun 16th, 2013 18:11PM



Fable III

The Resistance

The people of Bowerstone are behind you, ready to stand up against your brother.


Jun 16th, 2013 17:24PM



Fable III

Save The Princess!

You rescued a piece of cardboard and gained valuable insight into the game development process.


Jun 16th, 2013 15:45PM



Fable III

Swift Justice

Major Swift and his men have joined your cause. How can you fail with that moustache on your side?


Jun 16th, 2013 14:53PM



Fable III

And So It Begins

You've taken your first steps towards gathering a rebel force to stand against your brother.


Jun 16th, 2013 13:59PM



Fable III


You dispatched an enemy while he was airborne. At least he went with style.


Jun 16th, 2013 13:21PM



Fable III


Your literary investigations have unearthed a one-of-a-kind play. Shame it stinks.


Jun 16th, 2013 13:09PM



Fable III

He's a Woman. She's a Man

Heroes have long been free from the boundaries of normal society. What is normal anyway?


Jun 16th, 2013 12:58PM



Fable III

Total Warrior

Killed enemies with Melee, Ranged and Spell Attacks. Which is your favourite then?


Jun 15th, 2013 23:28PM



Fable III

The Guild Seal

The Guild Seal reacted to your touch. You're a Hero! But then, you knew that already.


Jun 15th, 2013 22:40PM



Fable III

Hand in Hand

You've held hands with another person. What better way to make a connection?


Jun 15th, 2013 22:26PM



Fable III

Magnate Personality

You've amassed a fortune in real estate. Just as well there's no window tax.


Dec 31st, 1752 23:58PM



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